Turk Tail Wags U.S. Dog

the real Syrian Free Press

A spate of atrocities over the past week suggests that the Erdogan regime in Turkey is desperately trying to goad Washington into a wider Syrian war.
Who’s giving the orders here?


(By Finian Cunningham,  SputnikNews) ~ The evidence points to Washington losing control over its regional underlings. That in turn makes the situation all the more volatile and dangerous.

In this fissile situation of rogue regimes going even more rogue, the prospect of an all-out regional and even global war is sharply increased.

It is common to think of the US and its global system of allies and clients as a top-down order. Washington is the executive and the rest are mere minions and vassals, to do as Uncle Sam beckons.


While that is largely correct, the rapidly changing world has seen a precipitous decline in American power, in line with its flagging economy. The US may…

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Historical reflection: „Yom Kippur, October 1973: when the enemie warplanes were falling on Syrian soil like leaves in autumn“ ~ (Eng-Ita, +Videoclip)

the real Syrian Free Press

„Yom Kippur, October 1973: when the enemie warplanes were falling on Syrian soil like leaves in autumn“


Historical reflection.

20 September 1973: The Mossad was informed of the presence in Syria of a new very effective missile system.

The Zionist Air Force sent a swarm of warplanes consisting of 63 Phantom over the skies of Tartous.

The answer of the Syrian Air Defense got no further than the classic antiaircraft response.

Israel believed in the non-effectiveness of the Syrian antiaircraft system.

16 days later, exactly the 6 October 1973, began the war better known as the War of the Yom Kippur.

Zionist warplanes were falling on Syrian soil, like the leaves of a tree in autumn, by the action of the mythical Sam-6, Soviet-made.



Yom Kippur, Ottobre 1973: quando gli aerei nemici cadevano sul suolo siriano come le foglie in autunno

Riflessione storica.

20 settembre 1973: 

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Coverage of the Syrian war: one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the U.S. press ~ [drafted by an honest American]

the real Syrian Free Press


By Stephen Kinzer,  Boston Globe,  Submitted by Mephisto

Stephen Kinzer is a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. Follow him on Twitter @stephenkinzer.


Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why.

For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents:

“Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin.”

Then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it.

below: Aleppo main power plant liberated

This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers…

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Putin: „Cessation of hostilities on February 27 a real chance to stop bloodshed, easing aid to all Syrians in need ~ Strikes on terrorists will continue“

the real Syrian Free Press

Russian presiden also said that strikes on Daesh (the Islamic State) and other terrorist groups in Syria will be continued after the agreement on the cessation of hostilities comes into force

putin-smiling-2016-syrian-ceasfirePresident of Russia Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press-service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS

(MOSCOW, February 23, TASS) ~ Presidents of the United States and Russia – Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama – have reached an agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria, which is due to come into force at midnight on February 27 after all the parties to the conflict will sign up to it, Putin said in a statement placed on the Kremlin website.

Putin and Obama

„I have just had a telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama,“ Putin said. „The Russian side initiated the talk but the interest was mutual without doubt. During the talk we approved the joint statements of Russia…

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U.S. Army helicopter transfers „DAESH“ commanders from Fallujah

the real Syrian Free Press


Source: US Military Chopper Transfers ISIL Leaders from Fallujah to Unknown Location

(FNA) ~ Informed sources disclosed that a US-made helicopter has taken several senior ISIL leaders out of Anbar province in Western Iraq to an unknown location.

„A US chopper landed in a farm near the main road linking al-Saqlaviyeh to Fallujah in Anbar province and took off  after one hour with ISIL leaders on board,“ the Arabic-language Sama Baghdad news website quoted informed Iraqi sources in Fallujah city as saying on Sunday.

The sources noted that several ISIL leaders had gathered in Fallujah farm as if they had been informed of the helicopter’s imminent landing in the farm.

In a relevant development on February 13, senior Iraqi security sources lashed out at the US and its regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, and said that Washington is the main cause of ISIL’s survival in his country.


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Der „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ Norbert Häring und das Centre for European Reform

Refugees Welcome!

Die Propagandaschau

Jetzt hat es auch Norbert Häring erwischt! Der Wirtschaftsexperte des Handelsblatt und eigenständig denkende Blogger wurde als „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ diffamiert, weil er in einem Tweet den finanziellen Background des Centre for European Reform offenlegte. Dessen Chefsvolkswirt hatte zuvor in einem Artikel auf ZEIT ONLINE gegen das Recht auf Bargeld agitiert.


„Antisemiten“, „Antiamerikaner“, „Putinversteher“, „Populisten“, „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ – diese mittlerweile alltäglichen Diffamierungen aus den Kanonen systemtragender Propagandisten sind die letzte Rückzugslinie, wenn man dort keine faktenbasierten Argumente vorzuweisen hat. Die solcherart Diffamierten sollen aus dem Diskursraum vermeintlicher Demokraten ausgeschlossen und als Parias gebrandmarkt werden, damit man sich nicht mit ihrer Kritik auseinandersetzen muss.

Diffamierungen dieser Form muss man oftmals geradezu als Bestätigung und Adelung ansehen, denn sie beweisen, dass man einen wunden Punkt getroffen und die Gegenseite keine Argumente hat. Das CER hat bemerkenswerterweise keinen eigenen Eintrag in der deutschen Wikipedia, wird dort aber groteskerweise als „unabhängiger Think Tank mit…

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Publikumskonferenz im Visier – Teil IV: Frau Beck ruft den Verfassungsschutz

Die Propagandaschau

Die Dummdreistigkeit, mit der viele US-amerikanische Propagandisten und Agenten in deutschen Medien unterwegs sind, macht manchesmal geradezu sprachlos. Wenn das Mitglied der Atlantikbrücke Georg Mascolo, der seine Karriere nicht nur dieser US-amerikanischen Lenkungsorganisation, sondern auch einer korrumpierenden Nähe zu deutschen und US-amerikanischen Geheimdiensten zu verdanken hat, auf der Webseite der ARD Tagesschau über „russische Desinformation in Deutschland“ spekuliert und dabei vollkommen faktenfrei von angeblichen „Hinweisen“ und ungenannten „Beobachtern“ raunt, dann haben wir es entweder mit einem besonders dummen oder besonders perfiden und berechnenden Charakter zu tun, der die Leser vorsätzlich für total bescheuert verkaufen möchte – und dumm ist Mascolo sicher nicht. Es ist, als ob sich eine Flatratehure über den angeblich zu kurzen Rock der Pfarrerstochter echauffiert: verlogen – aber durchaus mit Kalkül – bis zur Selbstverleugnung.

Neben zahlreichen Journalisten stehen aber auch reihenweise deutsche Politiker auf den „Lohnzetteln“ und Kontaktlisten der US-amerikanischen Besatzungsmacht. Eine dieser Maulhuren des massenmordenden…

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Vladimir Putin is the “only defender of Christian civilization one can trust” – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Syrian President Bashar Assad considers Russia’s Vladimir Putin as the “only defender of Christian civilization one can trust.” “When I look at the present

Quelle: Vladimir Putin is the “only defender of Christian civilization one can trust” – PaulCraigRoberts.org


The Public Is Being Looted By Privatization And Deregulation — Paul Craig Roberts – PaulCraigRoberts.org

The Public Is Being Looted By Privatization And Deregulation Paul Craig Roberts The privatization movement and the deregulation movement have turned out to

Quelle: The Public Is Being Looted By Privatization And Deregulation — Paul Craig Roberts – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Why Was Professor James F. Tracy Fired? – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Why Was Professor James F. Tracy Fired? If the official line on the Sandy Hook school shooting is correct, why would a tenured university professor be fire

Quelle: Why Was Professor James F. Tracy Fired? – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Sascha's Welt

"Die Unwissenheit läßt die Völker nicht nur in Schlaffheit versinken, sondern erstickt in ihnen selbst das Gefühl der Menschlichkeit." (Helvétius)

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Politisch Aktuelles aus und über die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK)

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Erzählungen von DDR - und anderen Migranten in Europa

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Bedeutungslosigkeit ist immanent

Sascha's Welt

"Die Unwissenheit läßt die Völker nicht nur in Schlaffheit versinken, sondern erstickt in ihnen selbst das Gefühl der Menschlichkeit." (Helvétius)

bumi bahagia / Glückliche Erde

Wir sind die Schöpfer


Politisch Aktuelles aus und über die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK)

Ossi - Migranten

Erzählungen von DDR - und anderen Migranten in Europa

Gert Ewen Ungar

vernünftige Texte

Märchen von Wurzelimperium S1 SunShinE

Ein Märchen vonMitgliedern der Gilde Sunshine

Der Saisonkoch

Die Abenteuer eines Saisonarbeiters in der Alpenregion


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Schramme Journal

Ich bin nicht im Krieg mit den Menschen der Russischen Föderation


Bedeutungslosigkeit ist immanent